- Zhuang Hwa-Yun
- 2019|03.09 - 04.20
- Opening 2019│ 03.09 4pm
- Lin & Lin Gallery
Lin & Lin Gallery is honored to announce "Zhuang Hwa-Yun" Solo Exhibition in March.
Zhuang Hwa-Yun was born in Guangdong Chaozhou in 1919. At the age of sixteen he entered the Hangzhou Academy of Art under the tutelage of Wu Da-Yu. The international Chinese master, Zao Wou-Ki, was his close friend as they also studied in the Hangzhou Academy of Art during the 30s. His works were presented in the Exhibition of Wu Da-Yu and Students' Art Works in Lin & Lin Gallery in 1996. The next year, he finally held his first solo exhibition named "Zhuang Hwa-Yun|Matchbox Master" in Lin & Lin Gallery while he was 76-year-old. Zhuang is an artist being forgotten by history. After twenty years later, Lin & Lin Gallery wish to invite viewers to get acquainted with him through this solo exhibition and feel the sincerity as well as touching of Zhuang Hwa-Yun's work.