- Wu Tsan-Cheng|Still Life
- 2023|05.06 - 06.17
- Opening 2023|05.06 4pm
- Lin & Lin Gallery
Lin & Lin Gallery is pleased to present Still Life, the solo exhibition of Wu Tsan-Cheng in May. The artist started Taiwan Sound Map Project in 2011 and finished it in December of 2021. In the project, he learns to listen, explore the sound phenomena of life, record and reflect on the hidden possibilities of perception. After a decade has passed, Wu Tsan-Cheng presents his project on thinking about sound and time, as well as works from his sketching process years ago. In multiple dimensions, he returns to the original question he asked himself: Why record? What has been recorded? What is the next step? Sound?
A Still Life is an object of silence. Between the silent object and the imaginary silence, sound is continuously mixed, clashed, and pushed in place through various media in the air. And it is accumulated and evolves in an unstable state. When we talk about the nature of sound, it is based on the auditory perception. But with the homogenization of sound in contemporary life and the constant changes in sound technology and perceptual interfaces, the process of recording is not only about reproducing and preserving faded sound. Before the sound perception is recorded, it is dominated by remembering and forgetting. Then the sound is temporarily stored as material, splitting our own memory and the memory of sound.
The exhibition showcases the ten-year Taiwan Sound Map Project. For the project, Wu recorded sounds that we are accustomed to hearing in cities, towns and natural environments by walking through or standing still in these places. He then combined various sound elements to create simulations of sound in our daily lives, thus layering the fluid characteristics of the audio culture in each place. His recordings are not purely objective documentations due to his collection method and paradoxical process. The result is sound art that continually penetrates the body, stimulates the opening of bodily perceptions, and shapes or reflects individual subjective imagination.
Viewed through the lens of time, the sound installation Timestream Flower 002 echoes Heinsberg's Uncertainty Principle in nature, deriving an open and undefined future and past. Wu scanned photographic flowers and used computer software to interpret the transformations. Sound is synthesized in response to the variation of the image and reality, forming subtle particles of airflow in the environment. Meanwhile, the sound reshapes the place over time, penetrating the physical sensation and the imagination of the field. This process is continuous, as life is always interpreted in different ways. As we explore the natural environment and human existence, we shape our life story through the process of destruction and reconstruction, reflection and impact, and the traces of landscape change.
In this solo exhibition, Wu attempts to reflect on and interpret the perception of sound and time. As time connects and disconnects in multiple ways, restructuring our perceptual experience, sound carries with an invisible and latent force that moves and diffuses through our lives. It is the present moment and a process of passing, as well as the memory and a process of forgetting.
Wu Tsan-Cheng was born in Yunlin, Taiwan in 1973. He graduated from Tainan National University of the Arts, Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts. Wu enjoys listening to popular and experimental music. The sound processing used in Jean-Luc Godard's films made him realize that symbols and messages can be embedded in sounds to create powerful effects. The subtle attraction of sound and image, or sound and touch, has caused Wu to listen carefully to sound and face its many possibilities. “Co 6 Taiwan Avant-Grade Document – Polyphonic Mosaic”, Sweet Blue Gene Corporation. To open the first voice work ”Nightingale”, 2006. The artist held solo exhibitions include: “Encounter Plateau “, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, 2008. “Taiwan SoundMap Project“, tamtamART TAIPEI .IPIX, Taipei, 2013. “Zero”, VT Artsalon, Taipei, 2016. “Where are You? On the Way.“, Lin & Lin Gallery, Taipei, 2018. “10 – Taiwan Sound Map Project Wu, Tsan-Cheng Solo Exhibition“, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2021. The artist participated group exhibitions include: “Revolving Door: ISCP < > Asia”, Chambers Fine Art , New York, 2003. “Co 6 Taiwan Avant-Grade Document“, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, 2006. “Beyond Vision - Highlights of Abstract Paintings from”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, 2010. “Cloud of Unknowing: A City with Seven Streets“, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2014. “It looks sound, but“, apartment of Art, Munich, Germany, 2014. “2015 MPA-B+Asia-Pacific Week “(CON)TEMPORARY OSMOSIS “Taiwan video screening, Gruntaler 9 ,Berlin, 2015. “HORS PISTES TOKYO 2015 / Asia Selection Taiwan Special Program“(CON) TEMPORARY OSMOSIS “, UPLINK, Tokyo, 2015. “N-minutes Video Art Festival l Taiwan Video & Media Art Program” , M21- Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum ,Shanghai, 2015. “Asian experimental film and performance art: Taiwan “, MMCA / National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Goyang, 2015. “PROGRAMA NEW MEDIA ART TAIWAN PAIS INVITADO MADATAC07”, Palacio de Cibeles , Madrid, 2016. “Sailing in The Dark Cave-The Historia Naturalis of Sino Art”, Lin & Lin Gallery, Taipei, 2016. “Taiwan Biennial: A Possibility of an Island”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, 2016. "The Rebellion of Moving Image", The Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, 2018. "2018 Data Mania", CCI Fabrika, Moscow, 2018. “Super Trajectory – Media/ Life in Motion”, Singapore Art science Museum, Singapore, 2020. “PAN- Austro – Nesian Arts Festival”, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, 2021. “State-less”, Two Temple Place , London, 2023.