- Wu Da-Yu Solo Exhibition
- 2010|07.18 - 08.10
- Opening|07.18 4pm
- Lin & Lin Gallery
Wu Da-Yu was born in Jiangsu Yixing in 1903. In his youth, he learned western painting from Zhang Lu Kwang and he went to France in 1922 to study art at Paris High Art Institution and Bourdelle's studio. In 1927, he came back to China and established Hangzhou Junior College of Fine Arts with Lin Fengmian. After the school was set up, he held the position as the dean and professor for Western painting department. Students he taught included Zao Wou-Ki, Chu Teh-Chun, Wu Guanzhong and etc. The abstract lines on Wu's paintings reveal his thoughts towards color and structure. Lin & Lin Gallery this time displays Wu’s classic oil paintings and many works on paper, thus provides a holistic representation of Wu's insistence and expression towards art.