- Art Taipei 2010
- 2010|08.20 - 08.24
- Taipei World Trade Center Booth B01
In Art Taipei 2010, Lin & Lin Gallery's booth is located at the front entrance of the fair and introduces works by many important Chinese artists, for instance, Zao Wou-Ki, Wang Huaiqing, Su Xiaobai, Liu Wei; Chen Chieh-jen, the famous video art artist who is about to display his new work, Empire's Borders II—Western Enterprises, Inc. in Taipei Fine Arts Museum; Taiwan important art group--Hantoo members Yang Maolin, Wu Tien-Chang, Lu Hsien-Ming, Kuo Wei-Kuo, the mid-generation artists Hung Tung-lu, Liu Shih-Tung and Lai Chiu-Chen. Other than the artists whom the gallery has worked with previously, there are a few newly cooperated artists who also participated in this art fair to augment the gallery's operative system.