- Intimate Views
- 2011|12.24 - 01.22
- Opening|12.24 4pm
- Lin & Lin Gallery
The artists practice and concrete their thoughts toward to scenery, objects and human beings through their creation. The framed canvas with the oil paints became a window which opened for both themselves and the viewers, and then it turns into the media for entering the inner world of artists. The LIN & LIN Gallery is presenting a cross-year exhibition from 2011.12.24 to 2012.01.22, with many artists' small piece works, including Xia Yang, Hsiao Chin, Lu Hsien-Mine, Chen Chieh-Jen, Kuo Wei-Kuo, Zhao Gang, Liu Wei, Yin Zhaoyang, Hung Tung-Lu, Liu Shih-Tung, Lai Chiu-Chen, Ouyang Chun and Qiu Xiaofei.
Instead of just collecting, the LIN & LIN Gallery selects two leading artists, Xia Yang and Hsiao Chin who are both the members of the Oriental Paintings Society founded in the 50s. And then Lu Hsien-Mine, who depicts the outline of the city's development with stainless material; the worldwide famous video artist Chen Chieh-Jen just had three international exhibitions and Kuo Wei-Kuo's realistic paintings reflect the inner implications. The member of The Star Group Zhao Gung wanders between the junction of the east and the west. Liu Wei has been recognized the most talented pioneer in the post-1989s movement and Yin Zhaoyang's works attempt to reappear his mental landscape. Meanwhile, the LIN & LIN Gallery also present some young and promising artists' works, such like Hung Tung-Lu, Liu Shih-Tung, Ouyang Chun and Qiu Xiaofei, they all lead the viewers into an intimate and significant world through their different life experiences and background which are embodied in their creations.
Instead of just collecting, the LIN & LIN Gallery selects two leading artists, Xia Yang and Hsiao Chin who are both the members of the Oriental Paintings Society founded in the 50s. And then Lu Hsien-Mine, who depicts the outline of the city's development with stainless material; the worldwide famous video artist Chen Chieh-Jen just had three international exhibitions and Kuo Wei-Kuo's realistic paintings reflect the inner implications. The member of The Star Group Zhao Gung wanders between the junction of the east and the west. Liu Wei has been recognized the most talented pioneer in the post-1989s movement and Yin Zhaoyang's works attempt to reappear his mental landscape. Meanwhile, the LIN & LIN Gallery also present some young and promising artists' works, such like Hung Tung-Lu, Liu Shih-Tung, Ouyang Chun and Qiu Xiaofei, they all lead the viewers into an intimate and significant world through their different life experiences and background which are embodied in their creations.