- Born in the 70s
- 2011|11.19 - 12.18
Opening 2011|11.19 4pm - Lin & Lin Gallery
The artists born in the 70s grew up in a society of transition. The new movements exploded in the art milieu with a variety of foreign movement, popular culture and the material. LIN &LIN Gallery, Taipei is going to present a group exhibition of this remarkable generation, “Born in the 70s” from 18th.11 to 19th.12. Selected 10 outstanding artists of this art sect, included Liu Shih-Tung, Lai Chiu-Chen, Ji Lei, Ouyang Chun, Wei Jia, Huang Yuxing, Li Hui, Qiu Xiaofei, Song Kun, and Chen Ke to depict the art concept of this generation.
After the 70s, Taiwan has moved to a new circumstance, an abundance of popular cultural visual symbol and vocabulary has flooded in our life. However the “consumerism-ish” or the “cartoonish “is no longer able to interpret the characteristics of this generation. Liu Shih-Tung deconstructs and take the elements from the print media to re-interpret into his own language. Thus the works express his personal contemporary thought through the picture. Lai Chiu-Chen is inspired by the toys, picking up the familiar visual images. He applies the acrylic paints to the canvas repeatedly, making the stereotyped 2 dimension cartoon image turn into multiple layers.
In China, the artists born in this generation have also returned to their own self. The transition in China was huge and rapid and the feeling of uncertain made the artists of this generation revert to and discover their inner reflections. The fast life style has made Qiu Xiaofei ‘s works strongly concerns the relationship between the memory, history and material. He draws his memory in his childhood, turning into blurred images. Li Hui ‘s laser installations tend to create a illusionary space, he also had a solo exhibition in MOCA, Taipei this year. Wei Jia’s poetic picture in his works offer viewers a possibility to ponder. Invited by Vouge magazine, Chen Ke’s “GUCCI” series works express the classical brand’s history and persistency through a girl‘s point of view. Ouyang Chun just held an exhibition at Gallery Belvedere, Vienna, Austria. His works depict the scene he saw it in his childhood, and intend to letting the viewers feel the innocent moment in their childhood. Huang Yuxing’s works are full of light colors which express a philosophy idea between human being and the nature. Delineating the moment that he observes or he has been though, Song Kun’s works present the most private and temporary experience. In Ji Lai’s works, we see a very joyful entertainment park; however there is a strong memory and a slight melancholy coming along with.