- Kuo Wei-Kuo's One Man Show
- 2009|10.10 - 11.01
- Opening|2009.10.10 4pm
- Lin & Lin Gallery
Within Kuo Wei-Kuo's One Man Show, the artist's Diagram of Commotion and Desire series lays bare a middle aged man's obsessions — with Kuo's liberal use of his own flesh, he isn't inviting us to drool over his sexy body, but rather forcing us to take a candid look at the real state of middle age. For all of us, lurking beneath our gradually aging bodies which inevitably come upon middle age, are unsatisfied desires and a lament for passing time.
Kuo Wei-Kuo has never hesitated to discuss the middle-age crises manifested in his paintings. He was thirty eight when he painted his Diagram of Commotion and Desire series in 1998. These paintings serve as a record of Kuo's passage over this critical age of forty, and therefore could be regarded collectively as a symptom of his middle age crisis. This is especially so if we observe how Kuo constructs theatricality on these canvasses, using self analysis, self derision and mockery, how he looks back at the changes in his life, and also how he satisfies his desires with his costume dramas in these paintings.
(Excerpted from In Search of Lost Dreams –Kuo Wei-Kuo's One Man Show, Wu Yin-Hui, 2009 )