Kuo Wei-Kuo
NT$ 300
28 x 21 x 0.3 cm
NT$ 300
28 x 21 x 0.3 cm
Kuo Wei-Kuo reckons that the concerns depicted in his creation for the past ten years remain the same. What is really important is that he has made observations on the social phenomenon in Taiwan and the traces of his spiritual condition. From the authenticity expressed in the images, the only changes are the form, material and diction of the art work that alternate along with the time. When will it change and how? The mind seemingly will have a rough idea and direction but that still needs exploration and confirmation to let it evolve naturally through the history of the artist's works.
Therefore, the paintings in Diagram of Commotion and Desire provide the realm for the artist to play roles which cannot be fulfilled in real life and served as a way of escapicism. This realm is also a place for consolation and a secret garden to reveal the "psyche." Kuo uses works in Diagram of Commotion and Desire to help him create a "self image" despite the deteriorating body and an illusory show that grants him the power of speech. Using the mindset of commotion and desire in the theatrical image to engage in a dialogue with the "self image," and thus consoles the destined loneliness of one's existence. Hence, they can be named as the Theater of Commotion and Desire.
Therefore, the paintings in Diagram of Commotion and Desire provide the realm for the artist to play roles which cannot be fulfilled in real life and served as a way of escapicism. This realm is also a place for consolation and a secret garden to reveal the "psyche." Kuo uses works in Diagram of Commotion and Desire to help him create a "self image" despite the deteriorating body and an illusory show that grants him the power of speech. Using the mindset of commotion and desire in the theatrical image to engage in a dialogue with the "self image," and thus consoles the destined loneliness of one's existence. Hence, they can be named as the Theater of Commotion and Desire.