Kuo Wei-Kuo|A Journey of Lightness: 25 Years of Hantoo—Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
- Dates|2023.07.22 - 11.12
- Reception|2023.07.22 3pm
- Venue|Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Galleries 104-105
- Artists|Kuo Wei-Kuo, Yang Mao-Lin, Wu Tien-Chang, Lu Hsien-Ming, Lee Ming-Chung, Yang Jen-Ming, Lien Chien-Hsing, Lai Hsin-Lung, Tang Tang-Fa, Tu Wei-Cheng, Deng Wen-Jen, Chang Ling, Chen Ching-Yao
Kuo Wei-Kuo was invited to participate in "A Journey of Lightness: 25 Years of Hantoo" held by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. Hantoo Art Group has played an important role in the history of contemporary art in Taiwan. The group exhibition marks Hantoo's 25th anniversary and its significance for the generation. Twenty-five years have flown by since Hantoo was founded in 1998. Nothing is the same from politics, economy, and culture, to the lives and states of mind of the Hantoo artists. In the early 80s and 90s, members of the Hantoo used strong visual symbols to express and resist the political, economic and social atmosphere of the time. Now the artists have reached their middle age, the content and form of their creations have become "lighter" with the passage of time and experience. Lightness, as opposed to heaviness, is accompanied by greater precision and certainty rather than vagueness and spontaneity. This exhibition attempts to present the creative process and changes of these artists over the past 25 years with a light touch, so that the quest for lightness can become a resistance to the heaviness of life.
More information:
Escape, oil on canvas, 180x450 cm, 1993
A Night Drifting Pale Man, oil on canvas, 200x300 cm, 2009