Wu Tsan-Cheng|10-Taiwan Sound Map Project—Taipei Fine Arts Museum

  • Dates|2021.09.04 - 11.28
    Venue|Taipei Fine Arts Museum 3F Rom 3B
"By listening carefully, fragments of memories are called forth and reorganized. Attentive listening can happen anywhere, and the soundscape of our lives will be a focus of future archaeology."—Wu Tsan-Cheng

The Taiwan Sound Map project began in October 2011 has been moving around Taiwan for the past decade to make sound recordings. We can browse and listen to the diverse soundscapes of the land's living environment through the Sound Map website interface. The project will come to an end in December 2021. By presenting the ten-year sound database in a segmented temporal format allows sound to expand our perceptions and physical self through a sound-image experiment.

More information


Wu Tsan-Cheng personal website