Lai Chiu-Chen|Slice of Day

Dates|2024.03.26 - 04.27
Organizer|Center for Humanities and Arts at National Central University
Co-organizer| Lin & Lin Gallery
Reception|2024.3.26 10:30 am
Forum|2024.3.26 11:00 am
Venue| NCU Arts Center
Opening Hours|Tue-Sat 10:00-17:00

Lai Chiu-Chen will present the solo exhibition, Slice of Day, at NCU Arts Center. Lai puts the material he collected day after day into his memory bank, carefully selecting and organizing them in a large pool of image resources. Each work integrates the fragmented days of creation, which are gradually clarified by the increasing accumulation of traces and colors on the canvas. Those fragmented symbols, images and memories that are re-dissolved, reintegrated and exported lead the viewer to think about the multi-layered meaning of the images.

"With luck, a few memorable things, a trace left in the eyes, and a touch kept in the heart can be found in the minutiae of everyday life."

Born in Jiufen, Taiwan in 1970, Lai graduated from Taipei National University of Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts M.F.A. Program. His works were collected by several significant art Museum, such as Long Museum (Shanghai), Taipei Fine Arts Museum and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. He has won many awards, including First Prize of Taipei Arts Award, Dr. Stanley Ho Foundation Art Award, First Prize of Kuo Po-Chuan Fine Arts Award, First Prize of Tunghua Rotary Club Fine Arts Award, First Prize of Grand Award of Prix de Paris, etc.

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