Zhao Zhao | Entropy — Faurschou Foundation Beijing

  • Date|2018.9.9 - 2019.2.24
  • Venue|Faurschou Foundation Beijing
  • Opening|2018.9.8 16:00-18:00

Faurschou Foundation will present the group exhibition "Entropy" from 9th Sep. 2018 to 24th Feb. 2019, which aims to grasp the Chinese art scene at large by exploring the works of seven Chinese contemporary artists. The exhibition, " Entropy ", consists of seven sections, presenting works that have never been shown in Beijing before, by artists He An, Liu Wei, Yang Fudong, Zhao Zhao, Sun Xun, Yu Ji and Chen Tianzhuo. We are glad to invite you to attend the opening on 8th Sep. 4-6pm.

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Reference|Faurschou Foundation Beijing